What is a Fire Alarm System? (Fire Detection)

Intelligent fire alarm system also known as smart addressable fire alarm system.are designed for flexibility through custom programming specific to each application. Common smart fire alarm system products including Fire Alarm Control Panel, Smoke Detector, Heat Detector, Manual Call Point and other products. Accurate and intelligent to ensure fire safety.

System is Designed

Fire Alarm System is designed to alert us to an emergency so that we can take action to protect ourselves, staff and the general public.

Places of Use

Fire alarms are found in Offices, Factories, and public buildings, they are a part of our everyday routine but are often overlooked until there is an emergency at which point, they might just save our lives.

Method of Detection

Whatever the method of detection is, if the alarm is triggered, sounders will operate to warn people in the building that there may be a fire and to evacuate.

Different Types of Fire Alarm Detectors

At the core of a fire alarm system are the detection devices, from sophisticated intelligent smoke detectors to simple manually operated break glass units, there are a wide array of different types, but we can divide them into groups including:

  • Heat detectors
  • Smoke detectors
  • Carbon Monoxide detectors
  • Multi-sensor detectors
  • Manual Call Points

Heat Detector

Heat detector can either work on a fixed temperature basis, where it will trigger an alarm if the temperature exceeds a pre-set value or they can work on the rate of change in temperature.

Smoke Detector

Ionization Smoke detector generally contains two chambers. The first is used as a reference to compensate for changes in ambient temperature, humidity or pressure.The second chamber contains a radioactive source, usually alpha particle, which ionizes the air passing through the chamber where a current flows between two electrodes.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide detectors are known also as CO fire detectors are electronic detectors used to indicate the outbreak of fire by sensing the level of carbon monoxide in the air.

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas produced by combustion.

In this instance, these detectors are not the same as Carbon monoxide detectors used in the home for protecting residents against carbon monoxide produced by incomplete combustion in appliances such as gas fires or boilers.

Multi-Sensor Detectors

The Multi-sensor detectors combine inputs from both optical and heat sensors and process them using a sophisticated algorithm built into the detector circuitry.

When polled by the control panel the detector returns a value based on the combined responses from both the optical and heat sensors. They are designed to be sensitive to a wide range of fires.

Manual Call Points

A Manual Call Point or Break Glass Call Point is a device which enables personnel to raise the alarm by breaking the frangible element on the fascia; this then triggers the alarm.